On the 7th, Frank Hall, a new Lazy Daze owner from Wichita, Kansas, spent the night at our place. We all had dinner at Taco Mio.
We took a trip into Phoenix on the 10th to do shopping at Sam's Club, and had lunch with Mom at Chili's.
On the 13th, we went to our first -- and last -- Q Mountain Homeowner's Association meeting. It was a total farce! First of all, it was very disorganized. One of the purposes for the meeting was to elect new officers, but instead of sending out a list prior to the meeting of all the people running, with a short bio of each listing their qualifications, they asked for nominations from the floor! We had absolutely NO idea who anyone was. The meeting was so mishandled, that I doubt we will ever go to another one!
George Bruzenak came by one day for a visit. George is a New Horizons owner who we meet a few years ago at a New Horizons Owners Rally. One day we went out to where George was parked with the LOWS (a singles RV group) to visit him and, on our way back, we stopped to visit Jo Jones, a Lazy Daze owner, who was parked with the WINS (another singles RV group). We had never met Jo, but she had just recently picked up her new Lazy Daze (her second), and had posted to the Lazy Daze Yahoo Group that she would be in the area. We had a nice visit with her.
On the 15th, we loaded up the Lazy Daze and drove out to the BLM land east of town where the Boomer's Boomerang was being held. The Boomers are an Escapees Birds of a Feather group, and the Boomerang is an annual event usually held around the same time as the big RV show here. We had a good time out at the Boomerang...Gisela and Bill Pollock had us to their rig for dinner one night (friends with whom we traveled to Alaska in 2001), and we got to see many other old friends and meet new ones.

We spent a week hanging out with the Boomers before returning home. One day, Ron & Donna Monroe, and Richard & Sarah Shong came over to our place, and we all walked over to the RV Show, walking around to see all the "stuff" for sale, and having lunch at one of the vendors.
One night, we had Ron and Donna over to our place for dinner, and the next night we had Richard and Sarah over for dinner. We could have had them all over for dinner at the same time, but our table only has space for four people, so we had to spread it out. We had a really nice visit with both couples.
Ken and Debbie Toth (the couple who bought our New Horizons and Freightliner), came over one day for a visit, and we went out to lunch with them at Taco Mio.
On the 29th, Alex and Brenda Rutchka, new Lazy Daze owners from Charlotte, North Carolina, spent the night at our place in their new motorhome. We were going to take them to our regular haunt, Taco Mio, but it was really crowded, so we ended up having dinner at the Snowbird Cafe. It's the first time Earl and I had ever eaten there, but we had the best fish and chips we've found so far in Quartzsite. In the morning, Alex and Brenda treated us to breakfast at Taco Mio. Later that afternoon, Lazy Daze owners Sarah Blackwood and her husband Pete, stopped by for a brief visit.
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