During the month, we spent a few days in Phoenix to do shopping and visit friends. Since we no longer have an RV in which to stay, we stayed at my Mother's place in Glendale (she's spending the summer at my brother's place in Idaho). After arriving in Glendale, and unpacking the car, we had lunch at Takamatsu, and then went to Trader Joe's to pick up a case of Charles Shaw wine (Two Buck Chuck). The next morning, we had breakfast at Ollie's Omelet House, shopped at Sam's Club where we bought a 12" LCD TV with DVD, and Pier 1 Imports where we bought wine glasses and a couple of tables -- one for the end of the couch, and one to put by Earl's side of the bed. That evening, we had dinner at the Outback with Buck and Phyllis, and then went to their place afterward to play Mexican Train Dominoes. The following day, we had breakfast at I-Hop, Earl golfed at Falcon Golf Course, and that evening, we had dinner at El Paso BBQ. The morning we left for home, we had breakfast at Cracker Barrel.
George Bruzenak came to spend a few days with us -- he parked his New Horizons next to the house. His dog, McDuff, and Maxx get along well, although they didn't really play together. McDuff really enjoyed roaming around the fenced yard -- something he doesn't get to do a lot of. I fixed a couple of meals while George was here -- a pork roast and the Chicken Mushroom Dijon which Gisela had given me the recipe for when she was here back in January. One night George barbecued lamb for him and me, and a steak for Earl. One morning we hiked to the top of Q Mountain (and I was really, really sore for several days afterward!), and that night we had dinner at Taco Mio. The next night we had dinner at Best Chinese.
View from the top of Q Mountain:

(Note our house with the black Element parked out front and George's New Horizons fifth wheel at the side, near the top of the right-hand picture.)